We had a great reception at the Protrotype Rails in Cocoa Beach FL. -
next show is Amherst Model Train show in Springfield Ma on January 25-26, 2025. See you there !
We are announcing a production of SEABOARD COAST LINES cars assigned to the Silver Meteor in 1968-1971. With this order, we are annoucing a series of AMTRAK cars , circa 1971 in Phase 1 paint.
see the list.
We have shipped all orders for - the SP Del Monte and the Southern Pacific re-built Official cars.
We have reviewed the production of the UNION PACIFIC's Portland Rose UP train 17-18 - All is well and very much in production for a February 2025 delivery. The painting schedule was the problem.
They are very excited on the new projects we presented. As soon as we can settle on "price/delivery", we will annouce them.
Next - The SOUTHERN - 1952 "The CRESCENT and the 1970/79 SOUTHERN CRESCENT 8 car trains. We also, will be building additional cars to create the consists you want. Individual cars will be "optional" - black roof and heralds on the cars .
Are you interested in the the CSX osc (office service cars) Business cars ?
These are being scheduled for production for a 2025 delivery .
Seaboard Air Line trains - SILVER METEOR - SILVER STAR and SILVER COMET are sold out ! All individual cars are at your favorite Model Train Store. We have no inventory !
The Southern Pacific's STARLIGHT are on the Dealers shelves, now.
The Southern Pacific's STARLIGHT are on the Dealers shelves, now.
The're still are a few cars and sets available.
Check the Website - "Catalog - In Stock" - we keep the open stock up to date
The CB&Q 1940 "Anniversary trains " - The Blackhawk - The Aristocrat and the Ak-Sar-Ben are selling well - inventory is ok for now.
SOLD OUT of the Blackhawk set.
The M10002/4 are shipped - there are a few sets left - check with your favorite Dealer !
In-Stock - The Baltimore & Ohio's famous 1940 NATIONAL LIMITED with the "humped" LW 10-5 sleepers !
Blue and Grey exterior .
Getting low on inventory.
In-Stock - Santa Fe's "1992 Employee Appreciation Special". have been to our Stores and Dealers.
Models are posted on the website - see the photos.
The Santa Fe's "Employee Recognition Special" - TCY0492. This train in 1992 did a round trip from Los Angeles to Chicago and gave Santa Fe's employees an opportunity to ride behind their first "Northern class" 4-8-4 locomotive # 3751. Approximately 10 thousand employees rode one of the segments offered. see the flyer under SF Business cars.
In Stock - The Pennsylvania Railroad's 1938 GENERAL and Spirit of ST LOUIS in the "Fleet of Modernism " - (FOM) three color paint scheme" , is "almost "sold out" at The Coach Yard.
In Stock - The NYC "Pacemaker" is available from your friendly Coach Yard dealer - lots of the "Pacemaker Green" and "two-tone Gray" - NYC "Pacemaker " 8 car sets .
See them at your favorite Coach Yard store. - we have limited inventory.
The EAGLE is low on inventory - The 1940 EAGLE and the 50's Missouri River Eagle with EMD 's E3's , both in as-delivered and modified paintschemes.
We have the announcements on the website so, get your reservations into your "friendly" Coach Yard store.
There is a lot of activity at The Coach Yard !
Thanks to those of you that sent ideas as to what you wanted to see manufacturered. We have lots to ponder !
Reserve now at your favorite Coach Yard Store -
Have you ordered the evolutionary "Darwin" universal coupler pocket - makes it easy to adjust spacing between cars - who cares what length the shank is !! - See your friendly Coach Yard store.
Send us an email and let us know what you would like !!! -carman@thecoachyard.com or DAllenTCY@aol.com
SOLD OUT of the Blackhawk set.
The M10002/4 are shipped - there are a few sets left - check with your favorite Dealer !
In-Stock - The Baltimore & Ohio's famous 1940 NATIONAL LIMITED with the "humped" LW 10-5 sleepers !
Blue and Grey exterior .
Getting low on inventory.
In-Stock - Santa Fe's "1992 Employee Appreciation Special". have been to our Stores and Dealers.
Models are posted on the website - see the photos.
The Santa Fe's "Employee Recognition Special" - TCY0492. This train in 1992 did a round trip from Los Angeles to Chicago and gave Santa Fe's employees an opportunity to ride behind their first "Northern class" 4-8-4 locomotive # 3751. Approximately 10 thousand employees rode one of the segments offered. see the flyer under SF Business cars.
In Stock - The Pennsylvania Railroad's 1938 GENERAL and Spirit of ST LOUIS in the "Fleet of Modernism " - (FOM) three color paint scheme" , is "almost "sold out" at The Coach Yard.
In Stock - The NYC "Pacemaker" is available from your friendly Coach Yard dealer - lots of the "Pacemaker Green" and "two-tone Gray" - NYC "Pacemaker " 8 car sets .
See them at your favorite Coach Yard store. - we have limited inventory.
The EAGLE is low on inventory - The 1940 EAGLE and the 50's Missouri River Eagle with EMD 's E3's , both in as-delivered and modified paintschemes.
We have the announcements on the website so, get your reservations into your "friendly" Coach Yard store.
There is a lot of activity at The Coach Yard !
Thanks to those of you that sent ideas as to what you wanted to see manufacturered. We have lots to ponder !
Reserve now at your favorite Coach Yard Store -
Have you ordered the evolutionary "Darwin" universal coupler pocket - makes it easy to adjust spacing between cars - who cares what length the shank is !! - See your friendly Coach Yard store.
If you see a car or cars in a train set - notify your Coach Yard Dealer and We will attempt to get individual cars for you - let your Dealer know.