We have received the production of the UNION PACIFIC's Portland Rose UP train 17-18. We are busy inspecting, labeling and pulling orders received. Shipping all paid orders !
We had a great reception at the Protrotype Rails in Cocoa Beach FL. and the Amherst Model Train show in Springfield Ma
We are announcing a production of SEABOARD COAST LINES cars assigned to the Silver Meteor in 1968-1971. With this order, we are annoucing a series of AMTRAK cars , circa 1971 in Phase 1 paint.
in development - The original AUTOTRAIN
We have shipped all orders for - the SP Del Monte and the Southern Pacific re-built Official cars.
The PULLMAN Restaraunt cars are coming along - this was one of the main reasons we had to go to the factory in 2024 . There are so many variations and paint schemes it was becoming overwhelming with the factory. We were able to correct all the items they were concened about and we are hoping to get "sconces on the walls , due soon.
They are very excited on the new projects we presented. As soon as we can settle on "price/delivery", we will annouce them.
Next - The SOUTHERN - 1952 "The CRESCENT and the 1970/79 SOUTHERN CRESCENT 8 car trains. We also, will be building additional cars to create the consists you want. Individual cars will be "optional" - black roof and heralds on the cars .
Are you interested in the the CSX osc (office service cars) Business cars ?
These are being scheduled for production for a 2025 delivery .
Seaboard Air Line trains - SILVER METEOR - SILVER STAR and SILVER COMET are sold out ! All individual cars are at your favorite Model Train Store. We have no inventory !
The Southern Pacific's STARLIGHT are on the Dealers shelves, now.
The Southern Pacific's STARLIGHT are on the Dealers shelves, now.
The're still are a few cars and sets available.
Check the Website - "Catalog - In Stock" - we keep the open stock up to date
The CB&Q 1940 "Anniversary trains " - The Blackhawk - The Aristocrat and the Ak-Sar-Ben are selling well - inventory is ok for now.
SOLD OUT of the Blackhawk set.
The M10002/4 are shipped - there are a few sets left - check with your favorite Dealer !
In-Stock - The Baltimore & Ohio's famous 1940 NATIONAL LIMITED with the "humped" LW 10-5 sleepers !
Blue and Grey exterior .
Getting low on inventory.
In-Stock - Santa Fe's "1992 Employee Appreciation Special". have been to our Stores and Dealers.
Models are posted on the website - see the photos.
The Santa Fe's "Employee Recognition Special" - TCY0492. This train in 1992 did a round trip from Los Angeles to Chicago and gave Santa Fe's employees an opportunity to ride behind their first "Northern class" 4-8-4 locomotive # 3751. Approximately 10 thousand employees rode one of the segments offered. see the flyer under SF Business cars.
In Stock - The Pennsylvania Railroad's 1938 GENERAL and Spirit of ST LOUIS in the "Fleet of Modernism " - (FOM) three color paint scheme" , is "almost "sold out" at The Coach Yard.
In Stock - The NYC "Pacemaker" is available from your friendly Coach Yard dealer - lots of the "Pacemaker Green" and "two-tone Gray" - NYC "Pacemaker " 8 car sets .
See them at your favorite Coach Yard store. - we have limited inventory.
The EAGLE is low on inventory - The 1940 EAGLE and the 50's Missouri River Eagle with EMD 's E3's , both in as-delivered and modified paintschemes.
We have the announcements on the website so, get your reservations into your "friendly" Coach Yard store.
There is a lot of activity at The Coach Yard !
Thanks to those of you that sent ideas as to what you wanted to see manufacturered. We have lots to ponder !
Reserve now at your favorite Coach Yard Store -
Have you ordered the evolutionary "Darwin" universal coupler pocket - makes it easy to adjust spacing between cars - who cares what length the shank is !! - See your friendly Coach Yard store.
Send us an email and let us know what you would like !!! -carman@thecoachyard.com or DAllenTCY@aol.com
SOLD OUT of the Blackhawk set.
The M10002/4 are shipped - there are a few sets left - check with your favorite Dealer !
In-Stock - The Baltimore & Ohio's famous 1940 NATIONAL LIMITED with the "humped" LW 10-5 sleepers !
Blue and Grey exterior .
Getting low on inventory.
In-Stock - Santa Fe's "1992 Employee Appreciation Special". have been to our Stores and Dealers.
Models are posted on the website - see the photos.
The Santa Fe's "Employee Recognition Special" - TCY0492. This train in 1992 did a round trip from Los Angeles to Chicago and gave Santa Fe's employees an opportunity to ride behind their first "Northern class" 4-8-4 locomotive # 3751. Approximately 10 thousand employees rode one of the segments offered. see the flyer under SF Business cars.
In Stock - The Pennsylvania Railroad's 1938 GENERAL and Spirit of ST LOUIS in the "Fleet of Modernism " - (FOM) three color paint scheme" , is "almost "sold out" at The Coach Yard.
In Stock - The NYC "Pacemaker" is available from your friendly Coach Yard dealer - lots of the "Pacemaker Green" and "two-tone Gray" - NYC "Pacemaker " 8 car sets .
See them at your favorite Coach Yard store. - we have limited inventory.
The EAGLE is low on inventory - The 1940 EAGLE and the 50's Missouri River Eagle with EMD 's E3's , both in as-delivered and modified paintschemes.
We have the announcements on the website so, get your reservations into your "friendly" Coach Yard store.
There is a lot of activity at The Coach Yard !
Thanks to those of you that sent ideas as to what you wanted to see manufacturered. We have lots to ponder !
Reserve now at your favorite Coach Yard Store -
Have you ordered the evolutionary "Darwin" universal coupler pocket - makes it easy to adjust spacing between cars - who cares what length the shank is !! - See your friendly Coach Yard store.
If you see a car or cars in a train set - notify your Coach Yard Dealer and We will attempt to get individual cars for you - let your Dealer know.